Wednesday, February 16, 2005


Tomorrow is PO-day. Power Off Day. Oh goody, gee, golly, I can't wait. I mean everything else has gone so smoothly, this should be a piece of cake.
I called Monday to arrange for the power to be turned off for the day on Thursday. And it seems since the account wasn't in my name, I couldn't ask for the power to be turned off, or more importantly back on. I've been meaning to do that for oh, about 7 years now. Change the name, that is... but there were some things I had to finish up first, before I could. Estate settling, divorce, name change. Things.

So... they wanted permission from the account holder to do the name change. Well, um, the account holders are um, dead. There's a conversation stopper. She waived all the fuss about needing their approval, social security number, etc. and put in for the account to be in my name. Of course with a $250 deposit for 'new' service of course. Nevermind I have 7 years of cancelled checks showing I'm the one who has made the payments. le sigh.

So, if I'm not back by dark, send an alert. Yea, like that will help.

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