Sunday, February 13, 2005

Life continues

Sunday, and things are getting back to normal around here.

Son#1 left back for college. It's always odd to see him go. He left his car here for brother #3. He caught a ride with his Grandmother who is on her way back to NC and passes by UGA on her way. So that worked out very well.

Son #2 has gone to work. He's been working the graveyard shift. I'm still not thrilled with the place he works, but he's working. And making good money in tips. And realizing this is not what he wants to do for the rest of his life. Maybe this will be the best incentive to work harder and get back in college.

Son#3 now has a car to get to school and back. So that will be nice. Right now, he and the girl child are shopping. Getting a new shower curtain. I think they both just want out of the house for a while.

Girl Child #1. So far, there's no drama. And THAT is one big condition of her staying here. I won't have it. Fortunately, she's a good kid, and really wants to get on her feet and have a life. She's applied for a job where Son#2 works and she's going to start training next week.

Hopefully Son#2 and she will work the same hours and that will eliminate any car problems.I find the situation with her and her mom to be VERY odd. She adores her mom, so I don't voice my opinion. They do see each other... twice last week in fact. And talk constantly on the phone. But the woman has never called me. It's just very weird. How can you know your daughter is sleeping literally on the street and not even call the family that takes her in to help? Odd is an understatement. But girl child is very nice, happy to be here, and she helps out around here by cleaning. Sooo, so far, it's working out just fine. In fact, she's cooking us brownies as we speak. Did I mention she LIKES to cook? That's how we know she really isn't one of mine.

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