Monday, February 14, 2005

The cost of Senility

There's something about a rainy, dreary, drippy, cold Valentine's Day that just makes you want to reach and touch someone. With a candy heart upside the head.

Lunch time and there I am shopping in a drug store, and although I'm not on drugs, they would however have come in handy or made a great excuse at the time... but that's not what I was 'in want' of at this particular moment. I came for the de riguere Valentine's Day candy or something for the loved ones who I accidentally forgot.

Yes, I accidentally forgot. And just who, did I forget, you ask? And thank you for asking......... I forgot my kids. Hey, I'm only human. And possibly senile too. Who knows.

I had all good intentions of getting the traditional and much loved silly stuffed animal and candy for them and then before I knew it, it was Monday and the much heralded Heart day was thrust upon me leaving me empty handed and them with no surprise upon waking this morning. Their surprise will now be this afternoon, instead.

Which brings me to lunch hour shopping. Me and 6 men. All of us searching up and down the near emptied out shelves of the Valentine gift aisle. Ladies, men are rude and frantic when forgetful. Whereas we bad mothers are remorseful and frantic. There's a shopping difference. Rude and frantic men just reach and grab something. Anything that has a heart. They reach right over your head, over your shoulder, around your body. They snatch and run. I can't wait til one of them gets home and realizes he just bought 'diet' chocolate for his significant other. Oh yea, SHE'S gonna be one happy lady....

Whereas remorseful Moms take their times. Looking at each of the animals left on the shelf, rather like the Land of Misfit Toys, taking care to choose that special little cuddly leftover that will make a male teenager roll his eyes. The girl teenager will love a stuffed animal. I know, cuz about 20 moved in with her. So after choosing the perfect animals for everyone, I then pondered over the candy, making sure that the candy I chose was some of their favorites...... thus making sure to ease my guilt of senility.

This time guilt only cost me $48.67. It was on sale. Seems senility gets a discount.

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