Tuesday, February 22, 2005


I went home for lunch today.....

.....I'm figuring that was where I went wrong first.

I'm fighting off another cold but it's almost 70 degrees here and sunny, so I was feeling pretty darn good anyway. I was humming....I shoulda seen it coming.

I'm in my office at home having lunch when Son #3 comes in...

"Mom....?" he calls out.... and I can tell from the tone that something is up."Hey bud, done with practice?" I ask.

"uh, no, and Joe's here." he says.

"Joe? Car guy Joe?! Why is Joe here?" I can feel the darkness closing in around me.

"The car died. He brought me home.

"Yes, the car is indeed dead. No, not the one that had the engine replaced, it died a month ago. Dead. That one needs to be towed to that great car lot in the sky dead. No this is the OTHER car that Son#1 at college gave up to Son#3 two weeks ago. Two weeks. Another engine blown. Dead. Kaput. Extinct.

Then... oh yea, it gets better..........I hear a hammering in the backyard. I look out and see this...

Electricians putting the light in... which they had to order because they didn't have last week when they were here working....

Well I think, when I see them... at least something good is happening.....

.......they finish and hand me their final bill. If it wasn't for having to go back to work, I'd have gone upstairs, locked my door and climbed under my covers.

Instead, I wrote the electricians a check, called a tow truck to go get the now dead car, sent Son#3 in Son#2's car to go clean out the dead car and I came back to work.

This hurts. Huge hurts.

I'm not sure how many more hits like this I can take before I put the cars into the pool of doom, climb in, and pull the dirt in over me.....

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