Saturday, November 20, 2004

Tea Pot Collections. Dust Run Amok.

I'm a collector. Some people might call it a collection of stuff. or dust. I seem to collect a lot of that too. I've collected alot of things over the years. I was going to take pictures of my shoes, but those aren't a collection, they're more like a passion and that's a different thing all together.

Now, I collect teapots. I have no idea why. I don't even drink tea. I received my first teapot at a Christmas Party. (The troublemaker that started it all is on the top row, last one on the right). It was at one of those gift swap parties, where you open a gift, then you can steal somebody elses gift if you like it better. I stole the teapot.


After that adorable teapots seemed to catch my eye and beforeI knew it, there were over 25 teapots dotting the landscape in my house.

I've always find it odd when I talked to people and find out they don't collect anything.

I mean, isn't there something that makes you go "oh, how cute" at least 25 times... or is it just me?

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