Thursday, November 11, 2004

Alone. Not Naked. Cell Phones.

This weekend I was a fish without a bicycle. Well maybe more like a cat without a hairball.... no, maybe a pool without water. Yea, that works better.

This weekend, I was a mom without kids. That's right, no kids. I had the house to myself. I know, friggin amazing isn't it. For years and years and then more years as a mom, there is no real alone time. You have to hide in bathrooms for a moments peace (if you're lucky). Weekends just mean the kids will be home for 2 days, all day. And summers are nothing but months that you don't have a good reason to enforce a 9:00pm bedtime. [11:00pm when they get to be teens.]

And then suddenly one day it happens. They find a life outside of the home. And they go explore it. And the house is quiet. And empty.

There are a lot of things you can do when this happens.....

You can clean house without it becoming instantly messy again. But I'm not a clean freak so I skipped this one. You can run thru through the house naked if you want.... But then at this age, naked isn't all it's cut out to be.

Or, you can call them on their cell phones and say "I love you baby." and hear "I love you too mom." Yea, I did this... but I only did it ONCE.

I promise.

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