Monday, November 01, 2004

I Should Learn To Avoid Mondays

I should learn to avoid Mondays... Today is Monday. How do I know? well...

1. The "car guy" didn't show up to work on the car.
2. The "pool guy" didn't show up to work on the pool.
3. My boss is in town and had a nail in his car tire. But I did get to drive his jaguar to get the tire patched and that was fun. If you don't think about the fact that you're driving your boss' jag...
4. Son #2 and Son#3 need new contact lenses ($cha ching$).
5. I resolved to start back at the gym and when I went after work, I found out the gym had moved. It moved 32 miles away.

I need a cookie.

6. While cleaning up my computer, I just accidentally deleted all my favorite places. All of them.

Make that two cookies, pleaseandthankyou.

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