Sunday, November 14, 2004

I'm Just Not That Into You

I finally gave into a weakness of mine. Books. More specifically reading books. I went to Barnes and Noble. $38.00 and a few hours later, I returned home, put on a pot of coffee and curled up. The deliciousness of this is tied with ...nothing.

The first book I started was:

"He's Just Not That Into You." This book is written by two people that were associated with "Sex and the City." You'd think it would be a good read, funny, entertaining, especially after all the hype. Wrong.

Maybe it's cause I'm not dating anyone but I found it boring and stupid after about 10 minutes. Once you start reading this you really have to wonder what the hell are some women thinking?

Some it IS funny though.. such as this excerpt: "100% of guys polled said they have never accidentally slept with anyone. (But many of them wanted to know how this accident could occur, and how they can get involved in such an accident.)"

The excuse "But honey, it was an accident," was apparently being offered by one man when he got caught cheating. I mean seriously... what woman buys 'an accident' as an excuse for screwing around anyway?!

They had other "He's just not that into you" points such as:"Men are NEVER too busy to get what they want."

But then, that one is pretty much common sense. No?

I put the book down when I reached the Chapter: "He's just not into you if he's disappeared on You."

Really? Ya think?! Well duh.

Sorry Greg and Liz, I didn't finish your book.... I guess I'm just not that into you.

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