Monday, December 05, 2005

All That's Missing Is A Cat

If I had a sex life, I'd blog about it.

If I had a dating life, I'd blog about it.

I don't. So suffer with me... won't you?

After my nap on Sunday....I got my lethargic butt busy and cleaned. I cleaned the silverware drawer. I cleaned the sink. I cleaned the stove. I cleaned the kitchen floor.

I can feel the envy.

I did not however, clean my closet... yet.


BosieLadie said...

You are a brave soul! lol I have a closet that could be twins with yours. I even emptied it out, almost completely, only to have it all sit in my livingroom (self induced embarrassment to get me motivated to go through the mess) only to move it all back a month later! Oh, I do feel your pain!

Bon & Mal Mott said...

There are people in the world who clean closets? Goodness, we have to get out more.
Bon & Mal