Monday, January 03, 2005

Therapy Done Right.

Well, I've spent almost 10 days on vacation. I've got one day left.

And that begs the question: What did I do for 10 days?

Sometime during all those days, Christmas happened. And after that it gets kinda blurry.

I know I did laundry. And I cooked a few times. And I watched tv. And stayed up late. And I ummmm, faux painted online. A lot. And I worked job #2. And I put away Christmas decorations. And I watched the Rose parade.

I heard it was close to 65 degrees outside, but I never went to check.

I slept alot. I ate a lot.

I totally wasted 10 days.

AND I get to do it again in 4 days when my second week of vacation from last year kicks in.

Maybe I'll "do" something. But I wouldn't count on it.

Welcome to therapy, my way.

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