Tuesday, January 11, 2005

Bright Ideas

Day 1 of vacation and I accomplished......... er..........nothing. And I'm getting damn good at it too.

However, I did watch 'decorating TV" all day long. This is noteworthy because I had a decorating busines for almost 8 years and have not been able to watch one of these shows for about 2 years. I was sure I'd throw up if I saw one more piece of Waverly floral fabric. (My applogies in advance to anyone that has Waverly fabric).

So watching decorating shows means I'm starting to think about making some drapes for my house. Or painting. Exciting stuff here to read no? lol

My son took my car to school today since his is still not ready. He'll need it tomorrow too. I'm supposed to go into the office for a few minutes tomorrow......... hmmmmmm.. wonder how that's gonna happen? Oh well.

Oh. And all work on the pool of doom has stopped. Anyone know a good lawyer? Maybe I'll just slipcover it and start a new trend in backyard landscaping. Now that's where I could use the Waverly fabric.

It's a thought.

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