Wednesday, December 22, 2004

Tag Team Shopping #2

I went Christmas shopping tonight and took Elf/Son#3 with me. The cost of bribery for shopping with me was dinner at Olive Garden. I took Son #3 because he's the easiest to buy for, and I was hoping he'd have some ideas for his brothers. I can always go out tomorrow and find a million things for him.

We managed to find a few small items for both brothers. Progress is slowly being made! YAY!

Son #3 picked out a few of his own gifts at Barnes & Nobles. I've never done that before. Never, ever, have the kids seen a gift before Christmas, much less picked out their own. This was a new twist. But hey, we were there, and it was raining, and I just didn't feel like fighting my way back there tomorrow when I still have tons of shopping left to do. I know. Bad Mommy. But still, he will have surprises under the tree... so I don't feel too bad.

At the moment, he's sitting on my bedroom floor wrapping all the presents. Even the ones we bought tonight for him.


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