Sunday, December 05, 2004

Fa La La La PFFT La

"What do you want for Christmas?" Asks the Basement people Mom.

"I dunno. " Says part-time Basement person #1.

"Nothing." Says Basement person #2.

"We pretty much have it all. " Says Basement person #3.

"Huh? We do?" Says exasperated Mom of the Basement people.

Well, Let's see...... We have the cess pool of doom in the backyard. Soon to become the frozen cess skating rink of doom if it gets any colder here. That'll be fun.

We have the heater turned icemaker. Last year the heater on the main level quit. This year it's the basement. The basement people walk around in blankets. It's going to take $75 for the heater/Iceman to cometh and check it out.

We have 3 out of 4 cars working. This IS my own Christmas miracle here.

We have Food. Electricity. Health. Phone. Internet. Water. Chocolate. OMG. They're right. We do have it all.

But still... They're taking the lesson of "Want vs Need" a bit too far. I think it's time to pile into the Jeep and go sit in traffic for an hour, drive around looking for a parking space for two hours, and wander aimlessly with the other crowded masses at the Mall til they find the Christmas spirit and ohh and ahhhh over something whether they like it or not!

Yea...that'll teach em.

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