Sunday, August 07, 2005

Uber Mom

I see Red.


For weeks .... i begged. i pleaded. i screamed. i cajoled. i bargained. and i warned.... and then i went Ubermom on them last night at midnight.

The problem is, there are no stairs off my deck down to the backyard and that means in order to get to the pool, I have to enter into basementland... where the basement people live and hang out. And we know how much i love being out by my pool so avoiding the basement is not an option.

My mistake was going into the kitchen down there.

Their mistake was not keeping it clean.... again. I won't even describe the horrors I found down there.

Sooo.... I took the desk, the computer, the tv, the Playstation, the Nintendo, the DVD player, the Dreamcast, the old VCR, a chair and the couch, along with 6 bags of trash out! of there and threw it all in the garage right next to the garbage that they continually forget to put out at the street.

If they're going to treat my house as a landfill, they can live in the garage with the rest of the litter. What did you say? There's no fresh air in the garage, or cable hook up, or phone....

Not....... my........ problem....!

My problem is now I really want some new furniture for an empty basement.....grrrrrrr teenagers!

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