Wednesday, August 17, 2005



You'd think after all the cleaning yesterday, I'd be exhausted. It was after 3am before I finally fell asleep.

Two alarm clocks blaring finally roused my sleep deprived butt out of bed, only to stumble downstairs for my life elixir, Coffee.

Extreme panic attack... push the button for "ON" and no "ON". No "ON" is not an option. I will not and cannot accept no "ON". I repeatedly punch the button with as much success as pushing an elevator button repeatedly. The coffee does not arrive.

Now understand that I burn through more coffee makers faster than dust bunnies multiply, so I wasn't too surprised the machine didn't turn on. I've had it about a year, so it's probably due to expire. Then I remembered that the carpet cleaner had cut off when I was using that outlet so I moved the coffee maker to a new spot in the kitchen. Maxwell House! "ON" !

Who cares that the outlet doesn't have power. There could be an electrical burnout waiting to happen. It doesn't matter. It was 7 am and I had coffee.... If the house is still standing when I get home from work, I'll figure it out then.

But for now..... Ahhhhhhhhhh, Nirvana.

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