Wednesday, August 24, 2005


There's a great site called "FREECYCLE." And it looks like every city and state has one.

The premise is 'Don't throw it away, freecycle it and keep it out of the landfills.'

It's a place where you post items that you want to give away. Items that somebody else might want and you just want out of your house.

So, while cleaning this week, I finally broke down and parted with about 50 books. Parting with books is tough, but I succumbed in the battle of the great Dust Bunny War of 2005. (which by the way is still being waged).......

Sometimes I participate in "BOOK CROSSING," but not with 50 books. So I posted them for free on FreeCycle.

And it just so happened, that while I was on the site, a lady posted these. It's first come, first serve and you have to move quick if you want something that is posted. I think my e-mail was there a split second after she posted these. They're plate hangers, and it just so happens I have a bunch of plates I've been meaning to hang.... Woohoo! I don't know which I like best ... the plate hangers or the fact that they were free!

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