Tuesday, August 09, 2005

Izzard You funny?


Only Eddie Izzard fans will understand this entry. To the rest of you, I sincerely apologize for this bit of nonsensical lunacy.

The conversation when I arrive home from work. Anywhere from 1-3 sons answer, depending on who's near at the time. Add poor British accents.. and well there ya are.

ME: Hey where's the cat?

SON: Le chat est sur la chaise.

ME: Le singe est sur la branche.

SON: E's a cheeky little monkey. 'ello Sue. I've got legs. Do you like Bread?

ME: No bread. Cake or Death?

Son: Cake please.

ME: We're out of cake.

Sons: So my choice is 'or death'?

ME: Yes. Did you clean your rooms?

SON: Do you have a flag? No flag, no room. Can't have it.

ME: It's flagged. And did anyone check the pool?

SON: Splashy splashy splashy.

Me: Noooooooo splashy splashy. Cleany cleany.

SON: Bye Mom. I love youUUUUU. (prancing off with limp wristed wave).

By now, most of you are saying "Quoi?" The Comedy routine ongoing in my house is compliments of Eddie Izzard. The insane children living there and sharing a warped sense of humor are all my fault.

Stacy has her "Fockers" and we have our
Eddie Izzard. What bit of comedy has found it's way into your house?

And, one final thought..... Engelbert Humperdink (slight head nod).


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