Wednesday, August 17, 2005

Dust Bunny flu

It's all finally caught up with me. I've finally succumbed to the Dust Bunny Flu. It's been coming on for a few weeks now....

…………..That annoying itch when I look at the carpet.

…………..The eye tick started upon seeing the kitten paw prints in dust on the dining room table.

…………..Watery eyes started when I looked around at the state of my house.

…………..My throat became dry and prickly when I said "We need to buy a carpet cleaner."

But I really knew I was delirious with fever when I wanted to call into work sick so that I could stay home and clean. I did however go into work today... cuz I'm a trooper like that.

After work, I so hoped the symptoms would disappear. They didn't.

Five hours after arriving home from work, I had steam cleaned, vacuumed, dusted and rearranged the family room.

Five hours - one room.

There are 7 more rooms with carpet, and that’s not counting stairways and hallways.

I’m thinking I might need professional in-home care…. like a maid. I wonder if my disabilkity insurance at work will cover this since I am clearly incapable of doing this on my own.


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