Monday, May 02, 2005

WONDERful Mondays

7:00am: Vaguely hear alarm clock. Get up stumble across room to turn off alarm clock. Run back to bed.

7:10am: Hear second alarm clock more clearly. Roll over and hit the snooze.

7:15am: Hear second alarm clock again. Hit radio 'on.' People talking first thing in the morning annoy me. Usually enough to make me get up. Usually. Finally get up and walk down the hall to go bang on door of son #3. Stumble back to bed knowing I really shouldn't crawl back under the covers again. Sit propped up in bed trying to wish coffee would appear as I listen for sounds of Son #3 stirring. Coffee does not magically appear. Son does not stir.

7:16am: Get up, brush teeth, wash face, and go bang on Son #3's door again as I pass by on my way downstairs to start coffee. Wait those 5 painstakingly long minutes until a cup is ready to be stolen from the pot and groan as I take the first sip. Go back upstairs, bang on Son #3's door as I pass by back to my bedroom. Sit down at computer and sign on.

7:21am: "Thud" at the amount of alerts in mailbox. Damn there are some writing fool insomniacs in Blog and J-Land.

7:25am: Get up from desk, walk down hall bang on, and yell through, Son #'s door. He's up. I wonder where he gets his 'I don't do mornings' attitude. Head back downstairs for more coffee.. I mean as long as I'm 'up', I might as well.

7:26am: Back at desk, reading the world through the eyes of AOL.

7:30am: Wonder what I will wear to work.

7:45am: Yell "I love you and bye" to Son #3 as he leaves for school.

8:00am: Glance over at closet and wonder what to wear.

8:01am: Head back downstairs for more coffee. and YES, I live for the stuff.

8:03am - 8:30am: Read on the www and wonder what I will wear to work.

8:30am: Wander into bathroom and wonder what I will wear to work.

8:40am: Wander into the closet and wonder what I will wear to work.

8:41am: Go sit back atdesk, notice that I have 19 minutes to get dressed and get to work. sip coffee and wonder... what will I wear to work.

8:42am: Walk back into closet, throw clothes around and end up with jeans and boots and some blouse/sweater as usual and wonder what the hell I'm going to wear when it gets 80 degrees outside. Resolve to lose these extra 10 lbs.

8:55am: Get more coffee for the morning drive and hit the road.

9:10: Arrive at work, late. again. Wake.repeat as many times as needed.

Mondays. They're just full of friggen wonder.

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