Sunday, May 01, 2005


Judi asked about creative projects, and it got me thinking....

I started looking and thinking about all the unfinished projects I have. Most of them I will "get back to later."I'm have a confession. I'm a craft freak. I've done a few projects. Padded and fabric covered a bathroom's walls. Made a quilt. Crocheted a few afghans. That kind of thing.

I've a gazillion ideas. Of those, a few hundred have been completed, a few thousand have been started, and another few thousand are stacked like magazine pictures on a idea shelf....and by the way, if you didn't know, I had a decorating business for 8 years.

I made custom drapes, ottomans, table skirts, pillows.. all that stuff. .. for everyone except for myself. Well I did make some pillows and one set of drapes for the house... but that's it.

I took and art/painting class 2 years ago. I still haven't finished the class painting. It's a still life. Now I see why I never finished it.

In my bedroom I have purple velvet type drape panels that are store bought (gasp), held up with push pins because I can't get the energy up to finding where I put all the curtain rods..... as if curtain rod curtains are acceptable to someone that made elaborate drapery treatments to begin with... But there are Push pins in my wall paper .... and that's just plain wrong.

Speaking of wallpaper. I shouldn't be allowed near the stuff. I can't wallpaper. I know this because I have tried. I wall papered my kitchen which looks tolerable; my bedroom which looks passable; and my bathroom which looks hideous.

Where was I going with this..? I forget.

le sigh... I guess I'll get back to it later...

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