Friday, April 01, 2005

Pink sisters

I'm not a big prankster. I don't do well with practical jokes and always thought it was un sportsmanlike to make somebody look like an idiot.

Maybe cause I was usually the unsuspecting idiot. Can you say naive?

It never failed that I always forgot about April Fools Day and usually I'd fall for every dumb ploy/trick/joke people pulled.

The one that became a family joke was the year my mother once woke my sister and I up yelling that there was a pink elephant in the yard. My sister and I both jumped out of bed and ran to the front window to see this amazing sight.

My mother was known to drink quite a bit and I wonder if a pink elephant was a form of her own little private joke..... But regardless...... It was 7 am, and I have never been a morning person! So at 7 am a pink elephant sounded perfectly plausible to an 11 year old and her totally embarassed 16 year old sister... "Pink elephants," my mom would snicker at us every April 1 ..... It became a family joke.

And although we fell for more stupid jokes and pranks throughout the years, that one pink elephant for some reason always made us cringe to be reminded of.

So today I need to call my big sis and remind her to look out for pink elephants running rampant today....

Cringing shouldn't be done alone.... I mean isn't that what sisters are for?

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