Tuesday, November 15, 2005

I'm home!

Welcome to my new secondary home. I am going to painstakingly move 1 year of journaling here. So bear with me. There won't be any new posts for a while until I am finished.

Good thing I use Photobucket to store my pictures.

I understand that you can list your journals with BlogLines and get updates on new entries. And you can sign up with http://www.changenotes.com/tell.php that will e-mail you alerts daily on the blogs you set up to watch. That way you don't miss your favorite authors. A big thank you to Kraztweety2 for this new info.

Now.... To learn some fancy (or any) HTML language and decorate the Summer home I have here...


~Rebecca Anne~ said...

Very nice, very nice. Yes, I think this will be a nice new home for many of us. Now, I'm in your shoes, I need to figure out all the FUN stuff we can add to our pages to make them unique and OURS alone.
I will place your new link on my bloglines.
To think, I've spent the last month organizing into my bloglines and thats all shot to sh*t.
Starting over, what fun.........

Jod{i} said...

Yeah!! Welcome Welcome! Glad you could make it!
I put you on bloglines and on my blogroll!
I think we need to have a Welcoming Committee or something...

fellow AOL refuge,

Anonymous said...

Whew, I finally got mine all switched over.

Anonymous said...

Well I am searching for everyone over here so I can stay in touch with them. I am sooo freaking computer illiterate this is so hard and confusing to me. I checked out setting out a new blog over here and I had dejavu from when I tried to learn to sew and the thread kept getting tangled and the needle kept breaking.. it is just too complicated for my tiny brain!! Anyway glad I found you and I will still be reading and commenting on your journal here.

Anonymous said...

Ok the reason that your side table has dropped down is because of the link in your last entry. Give it it's on line and your side bar will return to normal. Otherwise it looks great.

Tammy Brierly said...

Wow, nice blog! I'm a new blogger and just started reading in AOL when all hell broke loose. I've started writing this week and feel like a ninny because I don't know how to do any computer graphics and I'm not a great writer. I do find it fun and a great way to reach out. I hope you can come for a visit and throw out a few tips? Thanks

Becky said...

You are soooo lucky you've been using PhotoBucket all along. Doopey me has been using AOL FTP space. Talk about a PAIN. I have to move my entries AND my pictures and graphics. Ugh. I copy and paste as many entries as I can in every spare moment (which ain't many). Nice looking template you found, tho.

Virginia said...

I have never heard of Photobucket. Are you happy with that service?
Peace, Virginia