Friday, November 25, 2005

Danger Cook

I am not sure how it happened and neither is my sis and her family. They remarked at how weird it is that they came to my house for Thanksgiving. I mean c'mon, after all the thanking is said, Thanksgiving is all about the food right? And food and my house? Well, normally the two have nothing in common.

Would you go to a house where cooking skills are (at best) labeled 'dubious?' Not me. I'd plead a case of Bird Flu and stay home.

And yet they arrived anyway, ready to eat. le sigh... Such is trust. and... such is pressure!

I decided to cook two birds instead of one. Which to me only means twice the chance of disaster. I know..... I'm a risk taker.

So, with 9 people eating, that also meant two pans of cornbread dressing (from scratch); two pans of Sweet Potato Souffle (from scratch); one large offering of mash potatos (from real potatos); String bean casserole (that I can't stand); a ham; deviled eggs; pumpkin bread; pies; biscuits; mushroom gravy; giblet gravy; ... the element of danger increased 10 fold.

And then the chance of danger doubled. Again.

Seems niece and her race car driver boyfriend are vegetarians. OMG. That meant no eating turkey. No eating ham. No eating dressing cause it has turkey stock in it. No eating beans, unless they pick out the pieces of ham. Oy.

Dinner now had the real chance of being awarded the biggest yuk in family history. And remembering my mother's cooking, that would be one hell of an award to win.

But look! People with forks, travelling to mouths. And no one running from the table. Plates were cleaned, and 2nds were dished out. SECONDS people!

I so kicked Thanksgiving ass!


Anonymous said...

I so kick "take out" ass!

So, are you planning to turn your home into CHEZ SIE again next Thanksgiving???

I would probably attempt another holiday feast, but I've already had several small kitchen fires during large meal prep. Sooo, enough's enough. But YOU . . .. WOW! You're a regular PUCK, WULFGANG PUCK . . . (golf clap).

Tammy Brierly said...

I'm so happy all went well, you did a heck of a job!


Kelly said...

But the real question...."has anybody called you from the emergency room yet?" LOL - glad everything was a hit!

Laura said...

sounds like you are a hit!
so, what time may we arrive for Christma dinner? there will be seven of us and one is a vegetarian. lol

Anonymous said...

Glad to hear you have a happy Thanksgiving.
I am not cooking mine until next Saturday when son is back with me!

BosieLadie said...

oh! sounds like you did well, and your cooking was just fine. I'm glad it all went well, and that you had the warth of family and friend to join you in your Thanksgiving feast.

Anonymous said...

Wooohooo! We'd like to see the after Thanksgiving pics of your guests as a prove you did no harm. LOL.

Unknown said...

Sounds like a job well done to me. I hope they won't assume you liked the task and ask you to host every year now. Bwahahahahaaa, wouldn't that be funny?