Wednesday, November 23, 2005

I want...

I'm in that mood again. The 'I want' mood.

It starts out simple enough as a daydream. You know the "wouldn't it be nice to....". Then it morphs into "hmmm, I wonder if...." and before you know it I've developed some scathingly brilliant idea that I'm going to do "IT!"

The dPOD (darlin Pool of Doom once known as the damn Pool of Doom) started out like that. Nevermind I didn't actually own my house at the time, I wanted a pool. All that cart-before-the-horse way of thinking seems to work for me since I ended up being able to buy the house and have a pool built last year.

And now it's a beach house or condo I want. It's what I've always wanted. The thought is in the severe daydreaming stage now. I recognize all the signs. Thinking about the beach. Thinking of ways I could afford it. Thinking of days spent wandering along the waters edge looking for sharks teeth, or painting out by the ocean. Thinking how nice it would be to spend my vacation time there. Retiring there one day and having the kids or future grandkids (eek!) spend summers there with me. le sigh.

Nevermind that half the time I wonder how I manage to afford the gas, power, food, mortgage, insurance, car, phone, cell phone, cable, kids, internet and all the other miscellaneous bills that come in each and every month. It really makes no sense that as a single mom I can do that even with 2 jobs .... but still....

Now, I want a house at the beach. Maybe in 10 years I will read this entry from that house... who knows, stranger things have happened.


Tammy Brierly said...

Sie, hold on to that dream because it can come true. Keep picturing it in your head. Good luck with the big dinner, send pictures of them falling out of their chairs:)


Anonymous said...

Hi Sie,
Will still check in on you, even though you are no longer on AOL! (SOB!)
Hope you get that beach house one day...

Anonymous said...

More fun...
No stress...

Long distance care of another dwelling is a stress not always worth having, unless the place is really close to where you live.

If you need a few horror stories to help bring you to the real reality of double ownership, I'd be happy to oblige....

Trust me on this,
it's not all that it's cracked up to be....

and then, you have to LEAVE it, which is a killer in and of itself....

Anonymous said...

I didn't even know you had moved your journal! Hmph! ~~Kath~~

Becky said...

I know this dream. I dream it quite often myself. My parents have had great luck with their time share weeks. Not too expensive and it gives them the run of all RCI properties for 2 weeks a year. Nice flexibility. I've considered buying out one of their weeks since they don't travel as much these days. Getting old sucks ass.