Sunday, March 20, 2005

Story Time

A Fractured Fairy Tale:

My Homage to A.J. Jacobs and My Entry to Judi's March Art Essay Contest (with my sincere apologies to both).

Once upon a time.... (only because all good fairy tales start out this way and March 16, 860 ad just doesn't sound all that fabulous)...There was a fair maiden who lived in a tower.

She wasn't beautiful fair... she was fair because she lived in a tower with no parapet to sun on and the only window was facing South....but fair sounds better than pale... but alas... I digress.

The tower sat on a hill, as so many towers are wont to do, causing the occasional curious onlooker to stop as they passed by to onlook and wonder where the rest of the castle was that should go with the tower.

Upon seeing the onlookers...The fair maiden would wave from her southern window, hoping that just once one of these onlookers would become an ondoer and rescue her from the blasted tower. Years passed, and although the pale, err fair maiden had made a lot of acquaintances; the onlookers being a nice group o' folks and everything... not one had tried to scale the walls of the tower and try to rescue her. They were northern and neighborly.... but alas, not much of a do'er group.

Finally one evening, a new onlooker came to onlook. Attracted by the light from his burning torch below her window, the fair maiden leaned over to look below and wave customarily to the onlooker as always. He however, was the first onlooker to ever stop and actually come close enought to speak to the fair maiden.

"Hello fair maiden. I'm come from the South." the voice cried up from down below.

"Hello onlooker," yelled the fair maiden. "Do you think you can get me down from here?" she queried?

"Have you a ladder?" the voice queried back up to her.

They queried a lot back then.

"NO. Of course not you dolt. I should have been down years before, had I a ladder," the perturbed maiden replied.

"How about bedsheets? How about your hair? Anything long enough to reach the ground?" the southern gentleman offered.

"Yes," cried the maiden. "My hair is quite long, perhaps it will work."

"Great then fair Maiden! Let down your fair hair," said the ondoer.

And so the fair maiden did...right onto his torch, which promptly sent her hair up in flames.

....and the moral of the story is...........

Never look down on a gift torch from the South.

The end.

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