Sunday, March 06, 2005

Makeover Do over

I've been whining about my hair lately.

It's too long and I've been thinking about a new hairstyle.

I did not however intend the new hairstyle to be by fire.

I accidentally leaned over a candle that was lit on my desk. Flames were the first thing I noticed. Then came the smell. Tarzan would have been proud of the way I beat on my chest to put the fire out. The damage seems to be pretty minimal. The hair looks to be as normal as ever.

Two shampoo sessions for the hair and a can of air freshener for the room and you can't even tell it happened. Well unless you consider the now uneven hairline.

If I was smart, I'd have left it at that, with no one the wiser to my stupidity.

.... but nooooo, I have to blog about it.

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