Monday, March 07, 2005

Payback Costs Everyone

I knew something was wrong when I came home from work Wednesday night.

I can always tell when something is up with Son #3.

Seems while I was in Puerto Rico on business, he was busy getting a speeding ticket. And a ticket for an expired tag.

He told his dad. Uh... Oh yea, like that's productive.

I found out about it because Son#3 seems to also have gotten the court date wrong. It was last night. Seems Dad didn't remember either. Big surprise.

So, off to the police station we go Thursday afternoon for court at 6pm. it also seems you get a 24 hour grace period before they come haul your ass to jail for missing traffic court.

Oh.....and they only accept cash you know. They were willing to accept $330 cash or he could go to jail.

Good thing somebody in this house plans ahead and hit the ATM before she took her little delinquent to his court appointment. Good thing she had not paid the household bills either.

When they asked if I wanted to pay the fine. I hesitated. I admit it. I was soooo tempted to keep my cash and go shopping.

......Instead, I gave in and bought $300 worth of slave labor.

Yes son. Payback is a biotch....

And her name is Mom.

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