Sunday, September 26, 2004

What's in a Name?

Tonight, I decided to see if "I" was having fun somewhere else in the world. I Googled my name to see if any of my 'alter ego/sisters' were leading more fun lives than I was. It's a moot question really... Just about anyone has a more interesting or fun life than I do... But here are the top ten searches that come up.

I found out that "I" am:

1. A critically acclaimed storyteller, performer, recording artist. ~ Interesting... cept the part about being in Alaska for a long time. I'm not a fan of cold weather... Pass!

2. I currently chair the department of Curriculum and Instruction for a University. Ummm, No. next....

3. I'm a scholar in the field of criminal procedure. ~Now this could have come in handy during the the fireworks episode at my house a few years ago when I had the usual suspects lined up... but that's another story.

4. I'm a professor who teaches Chemistry at the college level. Huh? I don't think so... tho I did get a chem set for one of my birthdays as a kid and LOVED it!

5. I'm in the medical profession dealing with Geriatrics. Ok, suddenly I'm feeling like I'm letting my name down!

6. I'm a designer of jewelry. Cute, but not my style... I prefer the Deco style.

7. A doctor. Again with the professional occupation? This was supposed to be fun. Suddenly I'm feeling very unworthy of my name again.

8. A school of dance 'I' created that became a technique for rehab. I wonder if she could help my two left feet.

9. A conservation assistant with an Ivy league school.

10. Another professor, this one of Language Arts at a college. Ok, so maybe I come by the the grammar police thing honestly.

Geesh.. What a party group WE are.

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