Thursday, September 16, 2004

Be Careful What You ask for

I asked for it, didn't I. I said.. "I'd glady trade him for 'Water guy'."
Thursday, the "Water guy' showed up. Boy was that quick.

Ivan have you met Frances?

What do you do with no power, a house leaking like a mini on a bad day, 5 kids deciding your house is to be "hurricane central", and no possible chance of escape? You open up one of the garage doors for light, set up table and chairs out there, grab a deck of cards and play Spades as the winds blow debris past the house.

For extra fun you place a side bet on which will fill up with water first, the unfinished pool or the front living room. And, last but not least, you have a really great night with your kids and a few of their friends.

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