Thursday, September 16, 2004

Lost and Found

Ok. Now I've lost the traditional car key in my life. I've even searched hours for a pair of shoes I couldn't find. I've lost pens, clothes, directions and even misplaced my mind a few times...but I've never come close to losing anything THIS big. AND, if I ever do lose something this big, I'm sure as heck gonna do whatever I can to find it!

So this entry is because of the news report I watched of a clip of from ABC news with Diane Sawyer interviewing retired Lt. Col. Derek Duke... Bless his heart...

Diane Sawyer: "...During the cold war the United States lost 11 nuclear bombs...."

Ok folks, think about this... Ya lost an H bomb. Well actually 11 of them so it seems. But then again, who's counting? Ok, maybe somebody's counting but is anyone looking for them? I lost a sweater once in grade school and my Mom went nuclear. It wasn't even a hydrogen sweater. It was wool. She took the sweater away after I finally found it, cause apparently I couldn't be trusted with knitted apparrel at the age of 8. I didn't like the sweater anyway, it was yellow and clashed with my red hair..............................Anyway........

The story is that the retired Lt. Col. found an H bomb. The bomb is 100 time greater power than Hiroshima, about one a mile off shore, and in 12 ft of water. ( I have a friggen pool that is almost 12 ft deep!). It's off the coast of Savannah. WHICH incidentally is where I go to the beach every year. Good thingI never actually went in the water, I could of stubbed my toe and taken out the east coast.... But I digress....

Now if losing one H bomb isn't scarey enough (much less 11 of them) Ms. Sawyer has the ever quick wit that newscasters often have when interviewing people, to ask when he finds it, "...Do you set it off, do you detonate it?...." Uhhhhh, I'm not a rocket scientist, but I'm thinking the answer is...... umummm.... NO!? Which was the reaction of Mr. Duke (thank goodness cause he's the one that seems to know where it is and is going to aid in the recovery). It's so close to land they can pump the water away and make it a dry land recovery. Somehow that's not very comforting.

I'm not sure which bothers me more, people that lose H Bombs or people that want to know that when you find one, do you set it off......

Let's hope the recovery team doesn't have a reporter with them.

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