Friday, September 24, 2004

It's Geek to Me

I admit it. I love computers. I'm a computer geek of sorts. That's not the bad part. I'm a computer geek that is behind the computer curve. But that's still not the worst part. I'm a computer geek, behind the curve, who is now the backup network, IT manager where I work.

Now, I can crash a hard drive with the best of them, I promise. But I don't think that qualifies me to work with networks, servers and routers that connect our two offices. I mean I don't even know my DNS from my DCHP. WTF were they thinking when they came up with THIS bright idea?

Normally I am the very spoiled admin to the CEO. That means I send my boss out of town and get to play on the computer, not troubleshoot the mess.

It would be ok if the network was not problematic. Severely, critically problematic. It seems there's a severe lack of trust between the machines..... none of the servers are sure who's who in the scheme of things. Oh and like I'm going to be able to tell them which one they are?! pfft. All hard drives look alike to me.

But I can follow directions (when I want to) and I can push reset buttons without breaking a nail... and the real IT guy is patient, smart, and ultimately the person that gets the 2 am phone calls from my boss when the RAS goes down and he can't get his mail while travelling, even tho the computer's in one city, and the IT guy is in another and I'm at home asleep.

The worst part is working in the freezing cold computer room. I wonder if I can write off a new winter coat this year.

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