Saturday, October 30, 2004

Patrick's Saturday 6

Saturday, October 30, 2004
The Saturday Six

Now I know why I've not done these before... I never remember til it's Sunday, or Monday. That and my answers are boring. lol

1. What is the most clever Halloween costume someone you know has worn (that you wish you'd have come up with yourself)? Any and all of them. I'm terrible at that kinda thing!

2. You're invited to a Halloween party that begins in one hour. You have to make a costume only from what is already in your house. So how would you dress up? Oh chit! I'm not hosting this party am I? oh dear, see answer above. I guess I could grab one of the gowns I have, and one of the kids old man masks... see I suck.

3. What is the amount of the last check you wrote? (gulp) $2,100. Replaced the wood trim on the front of my house. My hand still shakes thinking about it.

4. How many keys are on your keyring, and are there any that you've forgotten that you even had? Only 10. And (beaming and shit) I know what each one fits. Well, except for that weird little silver one that hangs next to that unknows copper looking one, which separates my house key from that other mystery key that just looks really cool.

5. Who was the last musical performer you saw live in concert, and was it worth the admission price? oh geeez.... um... It was so long ago, I don't remember!

6. READER'S CHOICE QUESTION #29 from DaBabysBack: What is your favorite day of the week and why? Friday, I can stay up as late as I want and sleep in (most times) on Saturday. Friday nights are all mine to indulge the night owl that I am.

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