Monday, October 25, 2004

Again with The Monday

Monday again.... hmmmm seems to be a recurring theme around here...

The errant car is finally fixed. Last week Son #2 took Son #3 to school, along with the new battery and some tools. After classes Son #3 and his friends got together and installed the new battery. Too bad it didn't help. The car was still dead. Click....Nada, nothing worked. Not the power windows, not the radio, nothing....$$$CHA CHING$$$! It's time to call "car guy". "Car guy" said he'd be up there the next night to take a look at it. Turns out it was a fuse that was burnt out. And "car guy" didn't charge me a thing to take a look at it and fix it.

Man, I love that guy. I think I'll take the brand new battery back and give the money to "car guy" for being so nice. This is the first time in a long time that I'm not scrounging for pennies to pay bills or using change to put food on the table; so while I can, I like to do something nice for other people.

Don't get me wrong, even with two jobs there isn't a lot of spare money every month, but I'm a big believer in "what goes around comes around," and he's a nice guy struggling to feed his family. Been there done that, and I could be there again on any given month.

"Construction guy" is almost finished. The repairs to the front of the house are done (that's the before picture up there ^). All the wood trim around the windows, garage doors and front door had to be replaced. Each of the storms (Charlie, Ivan, Frances) that rolled thru Atlanta this summer, blew the rain directly at the front of my house and I had damage in almost every room that had a window facing that way. The worst damage was the collapse of the front living room ceiling, twice. So now my house is sporting sparkling, white, vinyl trim (SQUEAL) that will never have to painted! (um, like I did that to the wood in the last 7 years? nooooooo, which is kinda why I am in this situation to begin with!) Last thing is for "Construction guy" to finish sanding and painting the front living room ceiling. YAY!

"Pool guy" is pissing me off. Electrician was supposed to be here last week to do whatever it is electricians do to pools. Another no show week.

Sigh, I love my house. OK, I love my kids first and my house second. Although....... Sometimes that order changes, depending on what the kids have gotten themselves into or what's broken and needs fixing in the house.

But this week they're tied.

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