Sunday, January 08, 2006

No Life

I believe I've made the statement before that I have no life to speak of.

For the past two weeks, I've proved it.

I did nothing.

I didn't go anywhere, see anyone, talk to anyone (cept the kids and the gazillion kids that came over during the holidays.)

I stayed in sweat pants and t-shirt. I didn't put on shoes once. I didn't shave my legs. I might have slept. Maybe. I forgot to eat. I lived on coffee. I got my days and nights confused. I played pool. Watched some tv, played WoW. Let the cat out... and generally I obtained the goal of taking sloth into a world that is to be envied.

And now, it ends.

I bet I'm late to work on Monday.


pkeclub said...

acually sounds like a good vacation.

Unknown said...

Two weeks of being a slug, sounds like heaven to me!

Judith HeartSong said...

hope the batteries are re-charged Dear Lady.

BosieLadie said...

Sounds absolutely wonderful! I need to have no life for a couple of weeks, just to regain my sanity. Hope you have a good week at work! ps... I like the new look of your Blog!

Lippy said...

That feels like a "forever" drive when I make it, and I'm in NJ!

Good luck!


Anonymous said...

Shoot, sloothliness is next to Godliness........even they are fruit eaters. Anne