I am back on the "I'm going to get a LIFE" Bandwagon, which by the way is parked on the fat ass bumper of the "I am going to lose these 10-20 pounds" bandwagon. I know, I know.... you've heard this before. And yes, I've tried various test drives and both bandwagons have ended up on the shoulder of life's highway, tires deflated and parked up on blocks..
So a few months ago, I cranked the ole girl up and said, that's it. I'm going to get out, have some fun, at least go wander through stores and get out of the house. I am SO going to get a life again..... but I got new hardwood floors instead. Damn Home Depot for putting ideas in my head. By the way, the floors look gorgeous. Um, wrong turn.
Then last month I jumped on the "I am so going to get a LIFE" bandwagon yet again ...... and I bought a Barnes and Nobel Nook. Going to the bookstore seemed like a good idea at the time. But alas, sitting home with a Barnes and Nobel bookstore at my fingertips is not conducive to getting a life, no matter how enjoyable reading is. Um, wrong turn meets detour.
So meet this month's attempt to bring lifes' bandwagon back on the road.
I joined a social group and will be attending a river walk on Saturday with about 40 folk who are also trying to find a life. Later that evening I am attending a Halloween Hat Party and next week I signed up for Samba lessons.
I'll keep you posted on my journey as I go careening down Life's highway and let's see how long it takes before the bumpers fall off, or I run out of gas.
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