Tuesday, December 05, 2006

My Blind Side

I've always embraced the "No news is good news" philosophy...

...... along with the "ignorance is bliss" and "why vaccum today when you can have a son vaccum tomorrow" line of thought.

Which is probably why I walked around never noticing alot of things.

1. This hair (on my head) has got to be changed. What woman my age has waist length hair?!
2. My coat is at least 15 years old... and looks it. I really should at least take notice of fashions.
3. The carpet near the baseboards is darker than the rest of the room. I either need to fix vaccum or employ someone that knows how to work the vaccum.
4. Crinkle lines now frame my eyes. And my mouth.
5. Let's not even start on the fact the size 8 jeans can't zip anymore.


I think I'm beginning to see a whole new set of resolutions for the new year.


Cynthia said...

Oh, I could have written this list with only a minor change or two.

Lippy said...

Love the part about the dark carpet. They've really been pushing the Roomba vacuums lately, I wonder...

Nancy said...

Oh I hear ya sister! Loud and clear unfortunately. Well, maybe I need it a little louder these days, eh?


BosieLadie said...

LOL I have the same issue with the carpet... darker at edges, hmm??