Wednesday, September 13, 2006

Seperation Anxiety

Well he did it. The baby left for college last month. Yes, I know that makes the baby 18 years old, but I'm the mom, he's the baby, need I say more?

Anyway... oh boy.... was that rough. We arrived at the school for orientation and the begining of their Frog week, and are immediately split up into separate groups. parents you go here, students you go here. Fine, no problem. When we meet back up five (5!) hours later, we are told that we have 15 minutes to say bye to each other. Seems the students are going to the dining hall for dinner and we (the parents) are going home.

Oh, and did I happen to mention you can't see your child for a week after you leave? And you can't call your child for a week? And they an't call you? Or e-mail you?

Umm.. did I happen to mention this is a military college.....

Ummm yea.

I knew when I saw his face that there was going to be trouble. Pissed would be a gross understatement. Faced with 50 pages of regulations of things they could NOT do, and another 50 pages of things they WOULD do, son decided that college ROTC was not the way he wanted to go. He was going to come home that day and transfer to commuter status. That meant living at home and driving to college daily without the ROTC status.

Umm no.

So.... one of the many stressed out moms walked to her car crying, leaving behind an equally stressed out kid behind. For a week. Without anyway to call and say "I love you. Hang in there."

ummm yea. It wasn't a pretty sight.

Frog week was hell week. For both of us.


BosieLadie said...

OMG! Does it have to be so rough? I'm so sorry you and your baby had/have to go through this. I hope the time flies by fast 'til the time he can call you. Hang in there! I hope he's been able to call by now.

Lippy said...

Lord, everytime I read an entry about someone taking their kid off to school I spend a week having nightmares about the time I will be doing the same. Please let us know how it turns out!

Anonymous said...

Happy Thanksgiving Sie!