Friday, October 29, 2010

The Bandwagon Rides Again

I am back on the "I'm going to get a LIFE" Bandwagon, which by the way is parked on the fat ass bumper of the "I am going to lose these 10-20 pounds" bandwagon.   I know, I know.... you've heard this before.   And yes, I've tried various test drives and both bandwagons have ended up on the shoulder of life's highway, tires deflated and parked up on blocks..  

So a few months ago, I cranked the ole girl up and said, that's it.  I'm going to get out, have some fun, at least go wander through stores and get out of the house.   I am SO going to get a life again..... but I got new hardwood floors instead.  Damn Home Depot for putting ideas in my head.  By the way, the floors look gorgeous.  Um, wrong turn.

Then last month I jumped on the "I am so going to get a LIFE" bandwagon yet again ...... and I bought a Barnes and Nobel Nook.  Going to the bookstore seemed like a good idea at the time.  But alas, sitting home with a Barnes and Nobel bookstore at my fingertips is not conducive to getting a life, no matter how enjoyable reading is.   Um, wrong turn meets detour. 

So meet this month's attempt to bring lifes' bandwagon back on the road.  

I joined a social group and will be attending a river walk on Saturday with about 40 folk who are also trying to find a life.  Later that evening I am attending a Halloween Hat Party and next week I signed up for Samba lessons.

I'll keep you posted on my journey as I go careening down Life's highway and let's see how long it takes before the bumpers fall off, or I run out of gas.

Thursday, October 28, 2010

Trick or Treat

Oy vey!

I've had my good days at work, and my bad days at work... but they haven't fired me yet.

That's saying alot since this company doesn't hesitate to show you the door.   My boss has had 9 admins in 12 years...  give or take a few years or some admins that didn't last long enough to send an email that I could find.

All in all, it's a pretty sweet job.... now if I can keep it more than the 1.3 years and beat the odds.  lol

But regardless.... YAY for employment!   It sure beats UNemployment.   that was a scarey place, and if anyone reading this is in that place....  my prayers are with you.

I had forgotten how stressful a job change can be.  All new faces to learn, procedures, business model, personalities to adjust to, where the lines are drawn and how to jump back when you stray over one.  Don't ask, it wasn't pretty.

So...  update on the wild bunch.

Son1 is in Japan and doing well.  Has his rocky moments too, and those aren't caused by the movement of the ship either.   But all in all, he's hanging in there, and enjoying the hell out of exploring Japan and other countries.

Son2 is still working and ...  well I don't know what else.   He's livin the 20 something life...  apartment, job, etc.  

Son3 is working and still living at home.  At least I think he lives at home, his car is in the driveway when I leave for work at 6:45am.   

And me... well.....  new job, new floors, and new bags under my eyes......

......I'm not aging well.   PFFT!